

The Mecachrome Portugal site in Evora specializes in small hard metal components (<750 mm3), intended for both aerostructures and aeroengines, machined or boiler-made.

Key data

Creation date: 2016

Sectors of special interest: Aerostructure and Aeroengines


  • Hard metal machining < 750mm (titanium and Inconel)
  • Sheet metal working and boiler making (Folding and Stamping) of hard metal parts
  • Surface treatment and painting

Customers: Airbus, Safran, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney

Employees: 180

Surface area: 15,000 m² (+ 8000 m² extension)

Industrial capacity (key technologies):

  • High precision, high pressure Machining (5-axis Milling and Turning) of hard metals
  • Stamping (Rubber Press) & Folding
  • Equipment (assembly, riveting & application of sealing products)
  • NDT (including Penetrant) & and integrated automated ST and Painting chain
MECACHROME - Portugal Extérieur 4


Parque Industrial De Aeronautica LOTE B-1
7005 797 Evora

MECACHROME - Portugal TP400 Rolls Royce
MECACHROME - Portugal AIRBUS_Nervures (1)

Manufactured Products

Subsidy – Projeto cofinanciado por:

Compete 2020 – Portugal 2020 – União Europeia – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional

Fact Sheet of the Subsidized Project / Ficha Técnica do Projeto subsidiado:

The detail of our Industrial Project is available here / O detalhe do nosso Projeto Industrial está disponível no seguinte link